"It is not that some people want to be understood, it is that they speak and act so as to be misunderstood."

"Like a madman who throws firebrands, arrows, and death is the man who deceives his neighbor and says, "I am only joking!" (Proverbs 26:18-19) Good-natured ribbing can turn caustic, hiding its verbal abuse and retaliation behind the pretense of "I was only kidding." Even our private apologies for and public "confessions" of sin are oftentimes no less duplicitous and disingenuous. When confronted with sin, the guilty often blame others for misunderstanding what was said or meant. Such confessions sound more like an excuse to justify rather than admit guilt. Insincerity is the trademark of those attempting to minimize their guilt, operating for their own self-interest. Those who are spiritually-minded, when confronted with their sin humbly examine themselves and with no protest, repent seeking forgiveness from God and the offended. We can do no less if our light is going to shine when speaking truth to our neighbor!
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