Thursday, January 29, 2009

Our New President

I have included President Obama in my prayers this day and will continue to do so during his leadership of the greatest free country in the world. I have no doubt there will be times I will disagree with his decisions and policies. Yet, I am also aware that the biblical mandate to pray for our civil authorities is not conditioned upon which party they are a member of, much less whether I agree with them or not, and most certainly NOT the color of their skin (1 Tim. 2:1-3; 1 Peter 2:13-17).

I will pray for the safety of the President and his family. I will pray that his professed belief in Jesus, as the Christ the Son of God, will shine through the tough decisions he will have to make. I will pray for God to work in President Obama’s heart, through His Sovereign providence to administer justice and seek truth without regard to party, popularity and prosperity. I will pray that President Obama will be successful and effective in helping to restore a sense of community and accountability among individuals. I want to encourage you to let your light shine in 2009. Will you lift up the new President before our Heavenly Father and pray for him right now?


Anonymous said...

Very well said Bill. I could not agree more.

Carol Conner said...

Thank you, bro. Bill. Great reminders. I especially appreciate the specifics of what you are praying in re: to our President.