Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Defeat of Homosexual Marriages and the Election of A Black President

John Cloud, Time Magazine correspondent, wrote an interesting piece via Yahoo News on "Why Gay Marriage Was Defeated." Quite frankly, I think he is coming from the other side of the issue than me, as he seems to convey disappointment in its defeat. Nonetheless, I enjoy reading views that are significantly different from mine.

The correlation Cloud notes between the significant black voter turn out to help elect Obama also spelled doom for the misnomered "marriage equality." That correlation appears to be well-supported by the statistics contained in his article. So for those of us who for political reasons, rather than ignorant racial prejudices, were opposed to Obama's left-leaning socialism we can find some silver lining in the post election results. Gay marriage was defeated in one of the most liberal states in the Union, my native state of California. With that political score, for the first time in a long time, I am glad to claim my birth-place.

The statistics as given by CNN, suggests that African-Americans by a margin of 69-31 percent voted against so-called "marriage equality." In large part this margin is a reflection, according to the article, that African-Americans are more likely to attend to church than whites.

With all this said, there is one salient point that needs to be made. If the statistics are true and I have no reason to believe they are NOT for they are statistics of the left-leaning Obama supported cable news provider CNN. It proves African-Americans voted the race card electing one of the most liberal men ever to ascend to the Presidency ONLY because he was black. The same black vote that helped Obama get elected was the same vote that defeated one of the many things of the liberal agenda he supported. Namely, the misnomered "marriage equality" for homosexuals. By the way, "marriage equality" is pure subterfuge - it is not equality that the homosexuals want it is special rights they crave for their narcissitic world-view.


susanna in KY said...

I agree that the increased volume in the black vote spelled doom for the "marriage equality" issue, and that's a good thing. And I think that Obama's race was a major incentive for a lot of folks to get out and vote for him.

But I think his race was the reason for the volume of black voting, not the fact that they voted Democrat. I think if the black presidential candidate had been a Republican, the volume of black voting would have been much much lower, and many of them would still have voted for the Democrat candidate. There is strong support for the liberal agenda among black Americans, although there are increasing numbers of black conservatives.

So I disagree that black voters voted for Obama ONLY because he is black. I think they like his policies too, and like that he is a Democrat.

The Dems have done a really good job of vilifying Republicans in minority communities, and conservatives need to do something about that. Black Americans believe in God in higher percentages than white Americans do, which makes them natural conservatives. We need to think about why more religiously conservative people who are black aren't as conservative politically. Gay marriage is obviously a religious issue; other liberal policies are not as clearly in opposition to Scriptural teachings. We as conservative Christians need to reach out to other conservative Christians of every race to discuss the dissonance of living for God and voting for destruction.

Bill Robinson said...

Thanks for the comment it is worth considering.

However, the question remains would a white liberal democrat turn out the same number of black voters? Probably not, in which case, McCain may have stood a better chance.

On the other hand, without the volume of black voters turning out, the misnomered "marriage equality" ammendments very likely would have passed.

I would agree there is strong desire for the liberal agenda among black Americans. However, they seldom turn out in the numbers, as they did in this election, suggests they only voted for their liberal preferences because the man running was black.

So the question is why did the volume of black voters increase significantly this election? Was it because of Obama or because they were voting their convictions? Ask John Kerry.